Wednesday 27 January 2010

DoubleTapper: International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Warsaw Poland

International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Warsaw Poland

I'm in Warsaw Poland and today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day

In the frigid negative temperatures I walked through the streets of Warsaw to honor the Jews that were murded here by the Nazi's.

I stopped off at 18 Mila street to remember Mordechai Anielewicz,and the ZOB.

Then I walked up Mila Street to Zamenhofa and turned right and headed towards Mordechai Anielewicz street and the memorial to the heroes of the Ghetto Uprising.

The Memorial is huge and made from bronze and granite ordered by Hitler to be used to build a monument honoring Germany’s victory. Instead it was used by Natan Rappaport to create thisc monument honoring the Jewish heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Notice the ice crystals on my neck warmer and snow in the picture.
It's currently about 70 Degrees warmer in Israel then in Poland.

I;ll try to get some pictures in the daylight tomorrrow.

The history of the Warsaw Ghetto is here

DoubleTapper: International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Warsaw Poland

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