Friday 8 January 2010

Can You Be Fed Up With Reality?

Can You Be Fed Up With Reality?

Rahm Emanual, so they say, is fed up with the Israelis and the Palestinians. Shmuel Rosner has eight reasons not to be impressed:

6. Maybe it's time to admit that diplomacy - and dealing with the Israeli-Arab peace process - should not be Emanuel's job.

To which I'd add a ninth. What Israelis and Palestinians have in common but everyone else lacks is causality. Decisions we make impact on our lives, and we can't walk away. Silly students can grow up; American presidents in their final weeks of power can look forward to high lecture fees; European diplomats can always turn it off when they're posted to China or Bolivia. Israelis and Palestinians together will have to live and die with the decisions they make.

It's a big difference.

Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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