Monday 28 December 2009

Rabbi Jutner Says...

Rabbi Jutner Says...

The Forward continues to follow the spat that began last week when Hannah Rosenthal, the new Antisemitism Czar(ina) in the Obama administration, rebuked Michael Oren for not being nice to J Street. It's not an important story, and I don't expect to come back to it.

The reason I'm posting on it at all is that among the readers who commented on the Forward's item is one Rabbi Tony Jutner, who writes, and I quote with no embellishments:

I agree with both Norman,s and as leader of New Judaism, I can comfortably state that I represent most American Jews. Judaism demands social justice, and that means supporting the Palestinians in all of their aspirations, including the Right of Return. The Jewish people need to make the ultimate sacrifice by giving up zionism and therefore usher in a golden age of peace for all. The international community of world citizens demands it

I don't know who this fellow is, nor can I say if he's for real or perhaps spoofing. The spoofing possibility looks plausible to me, given the utter clarity of the position he espouses: no ifs, buts, simply dismantle Israel and world peace will happen. So I asked Professor Google if she knows the rabbi, and she doesn't, but she did dig up a comment he left on an earlier Forward item:

I wont support Israel as long as it is a flawed country. San Francisco is my Jerusalem.

Well, glad we've clarified that, then.

Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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