Tuesday 29 December 2009

An Opportunity to Bash Israel! Wow!

An Opportunity to Bash Israel! Wow!

The Guardian is engaged in a series of daily reports from Gaza, commemorating the Israeli operation of last year. Here's one of the series, predictably telling how awful Israel was and is.

Commemorating the anniversary of a news event is standard, especially if there isn't much else going on and you've got to fill your pages or time-slots. Revisiting an event day after day after day for the duration of the original event is, however, a bit odd.

2009 was a bloody year, as these things go. There was lots of violence in Sri Lanka, in various corners of Africa, not to mention big chunks of southern Asia. Pakistan ousted millions of its own citizens from their homes; no-one knows how many innocents they killed because no-one thought to ask. And the list goes on.

Don't expect daily re-screening of any of these events. Most of them didn't attract much of the Guardian's attention the first time around; re-visiting them a year later would be inconceivable.

Sorry for boring you.
Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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