Thursday 10 December 2009

Love of the Land: What Else is the UNRWA Not Telling Us?

What Else is the UNRWA Not Telling Us?

Backspin/Honest Reporting
08 December 09

This snippet from the Daily Telegraph raises a lot questions about the UNRWA:

The UN Relief and Works Agency lists nearly 400,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon but the number actually resident in the country has dwindled to between 250,000 and 270,000 as many have moved abroad, according to Lebanese and Palestinian officials.

It's still a difficult situation, but how does the UNRWA justify fundraising based on what appears to be a severely inflated number of refugees? What else is the UNRWA not telling us?

Related reading: Anonymous Sources on Resettling Refugees

Love of the Land: What Else is the UNRWA Not Telling Us?

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