Monday 28 December 2009

Love of the Land: Palestinian Kairos Document -- "The Tail Wagging the Dog"

Palestinian Kairos Document -- "The Tail Wagging the Dog"

27 December 09

As reported previously, a group of Palestinian Christians recently issued a document calling on churches in the United States to support the ongoing effort to isolate Israel from the community of nations by assisting in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign. Some church leaders in the U.S. have endorsed the so-called "Kairos Document." One of CAMERA's correspondents in the Middle East -- a particularly close observer of the Palestinian Christian community -- warns Christians in the U.S. not to be hoodwinked by the statement, which sullys "the reputation of local Christianity."

Here is the full text of what our correspondent (who has requested anonymity) had to say:

(Read full document)

Love of the Land: Palestinian Kairos Document -- "The Tail Wagging the Dog"

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