Tuesday 29 December 2009

Love of the Land: One Year Later, NGOs Recycling the Gaza Myths

One Year Later, NGOs Recycling the Gaza Myths

NGO Monitor
27 December 09

Marking the first anniversary of the Gaza war, many NGOs are publishing reports that repeat allegations based on unverifiable evidence and often false claims.

Before the war, many NGOs ignored the 8000 rocket attacks from Gaza, the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit, and internal Palestinian violence. In contrast, during the Gaza war over 50 NGOs released more than 500 statements, the vast majority which condemned Israel for alleged “violations of international humanitarian law.”

NGO superpowers like HRW and Amnesty published numerous statements and reports making allegations against Israel, while denying the evidence that Hamas had used the population of Gaza as human shields.

HRW’s report, entitled ‘Precisely Wrong’ (June 2009), accuses Israel of using highly accurate drones to deliver Spike missiles in six cases, and failing to take action which could have prevented the deaths of civilians. NGO Monitor has shown that HRW provides no substantive evidence for these claims.

(Read full press release)

Love of the Land: One Year Later, NGOs Recycling the Gaza Myths

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