Tuesday 29 December 2009

Love of the Land: On releasing convicted terrorists and murderers

On releasing convicted terrorists and murderers

The Malki Foundation
24 December 09

"What sane society would free such people?"

Arnold Roth, speaking on behalf of himself and his wife Frimet, was an invited guest on CNN International's news program "The Brief" on 24th December 2009.

The interview by Rosemary Church focused on the proposed deal by which hundreds of Palestinian Arab terrorists will be released from Israeli prisons as the price for the release for a young Israeli serviceman, Gilad Shalit.
Shalit has been held hostage under inhumane conditions by the Hamas regime since June 2006. Among the convicted terrorists slated to walk free in the deal are three who engineered and carried out the massacre at the Sbarro restaurant that cost fifteen lives, including that of Malki Roth.

Additional links:

The Sbarro massacre

Sbarro Five Years Later (Frimet Roth's op ed article in Haaretz 2006)

Sbarro victim parents counter photo with photo (Jewish Telegraphic Agency syndicated report 2007)

Israel's Bloody Choice (The Australian newspaper interview with Arnold Roth, 16-Dec-09)

Love of the Land: On releasing convicted terrorists and murderers

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