Friday 25 December 2009

Love of the Land: A look at the land of the chinless ophthalmologist

A look at the land of the chinless ophthalmologist

Gaza Convoy "Viva Palestina" arrive in Syria's Damascus

Dave M
Winds of Jihad
19 December 09

An open letter to Viva Palestina!

Brothers and Sisters in the struggle for human rights and the crushing of apartheid!

When I discovered that you will be passing through Syria, my heart leapt with joy!

Nothing would make me happier than to give you some background on the“fortress of the remaining dignity of the Arabs” and its people who stand as one in solidarity behind “the last Arab ruler”, Dr. Bashar Al Assad.

It would be an honour for me to guide you on your way, and share with you all some secrets that aren’t in the guidebooks.

It looks as if you’ll be taking the main North–South route which takes you through Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus and then on to Jordan.

Once you’ve passed through the checkpoint at Turkey, it’s pretty much plain sailing. And if you have some free time (and can get away from your “escorts”), it’s worth taking a drive to surrounding areas in the north of the country.

In the upper northeast of Syria lies the Kurdish town of Qamishle. Syria’s 1.7 million Kurds reside mainly in the northeast.

Kurds? After all Syria is officially named the Syrian Arab Republic.

So how does Syria treat this minority?

Roughly 300,000 of them are denied citizenship thus denying them the right to education, employment, property ownership, and even marriage.

Nor are they allowed to speak, write or print their own language and their culture cannot be expressed openly.

Odd, isn’t it? Mind you, as everybody knows the Zionist Entity is much much worse. Palestinians have no access to education, cannot work, purchase property or get married. It even bans Palestinians outright from speaking, reading and writing Arabic.

Oh wait. I may be wrong here….

Stateless Kurds who try to leave the country for work risk torture and imprisonment.

To be honest, it reminds me of a two-tier political system in which one group in a country is denied the rights which another enjoys. Though I seem to have forgotten its name. Ap… App… Ah! Apartheid! That’s it!

(Continue reading)

Love of the Land: A look at the land of the chinless ophthalmologist

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