Friday 25 December 2009

Love of the Land: Letter to Jimmy Carter Urges Action After Apology

Letter to Jimmy Carter Urges Action After Apology

Andrea Levin
24 December 09

CAMERA has sent a letter to Jimmy Carter after the former president, addressing the Jewish community in an open letter, offered an apology for anything he may have done to stigmatize Israel. After expressing wishes for peace, Carter noted that "we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel," and offered an "Al Het" — a plea for forgiveness which is part of the Jewish prayer on Yom Kippur — "for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so." (See more from JTA here and here.)

CAMERA's letter, which is published in its entirety below, urges the Carter join his words with concrete actions, specifically, the correction of false and exaggerated charges he made in a November Op-Ed in the International Herald Tribune.
The Dec. 23 letter follows:

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Love of the Land: Letter to Jimmy Carter Urges Action After Apology

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