Friday 11 December 2009

Love of the Land: Lets help Peace Now

Lets help Peace Now!

The Muqata
10 December 09

Despite the explicit statement from the government that existing construction can continue in Yehuda and Shomron, the peace-lovin' organization, Shalom Achshav has decided that the government's edict isn't enough.

They are advertising for people who "see illegal construction" going on, to immediately call the special "illegal construction peace hotline" so they can transfer all the information to Ehud Barak's "inspectors."

See the following email which explains it all.


Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) had a press meeting yesterday where they advertised a phone number so that anyone seeing any illegal building in Yehuda and Shomrom can call and report it. We would like to fill up the voice mail to this number with as many phone calls as possible by leaving long messages which report illegal building the nearby Palestinian villages.

Whoever can please record the message and forward this message to as many people as possible. The phone number to leave messages is 1-700-701-967

Good Luck!

Chagai Tam

Secretariat – Yishuv Neriya

(translated by Chana Koren)

For those who have been calling Peace Now at 1-700-70-1967 to report illegal Arab building, the mailbox is full. Alternate numbers for Peace Now are (03)6023301 in Tel Aviv or (02)5660648 in Jerusalem.

Note, in order that you do not receive a call back, dial *43 before dialing the above number. When you hear a new dial tone dial the above number. This will prevent the voice mail from identifying the caller – in the event and you don't want to be identified by Shalom Achshav.

Love of the Land: Lets help Peace Now!

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