Thursday 24 December 2009

Love of the Land: Jimmy Carter: Unforgiven

Jimmy Carter: Unforgiven

Ethel C. Fenig
The American Thinker
22 December 09

Is former president Jimmy Carter (D) bi polar or a schizophrenic with multiple personalities?

It seems so. Around the same time that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) published
a letter (allegedly) from Carter apologizing for any actions or words of his stigmatizing Israel and asking for forgiveness

In a letter released exclusively to JTA, the former U.S. president sent a seasonal message wishing for peace between Israel and its neighbors, and concluded: "We must recognize Israel's achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel. As I would have noted at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an Al Het for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so."

the British Guardian published an op-ed by the very same Jimmy Carter, "Gaza Must Be Rebuilt Now,"stigmatizing Israel and blaming the country for causing suffering in Gaza. And rejecting peace (implied in his "apology" when he stated he would "help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations" but not demanding anything of Arabs/Muslims).

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Love of the Land: Jimmy Carter: Unforgiven

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