Friday 11 December 2009

Love of the Land: How Crowded is Gaza?

How Crowded is Gaza?

Michael J. Totten
09 December 09

Like almost everyone who has written about the Arab-Israeli conflict, I've described Gaza as one of the most densely populated places on earth. It's one of those "media facts" that get mindlessly repeated because it has been printed so many times it seems true, like it's the sort of thing everybody just knows.

Maybe it's time to lay this one to rest.

UPDATE: Martin Kramer has more, including interesting visiual comparisons of Gaza to New York, Paris, and London.

Gaza on New York.jpg

1.5 million people live in Gaza. How many more millions do you suppose live in the Gaza-sized space in New York shown above?

Related: Tel Aviv, A City More Densely Populated Than Gaza

Love of the Land: How Crowded is Gaza?

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