Wednesday 16 December 2009

Love of the Land: Guardian assistant editor says on BBC that Israel murders political dissidents whose “style” it doesn’t like

Guardian assistant editor says on BBC that Israel murders political dissidents whose “style” it doesn’t like

Robin Shepherd
16 December 09

When the Guardian’s assistant editor slithers his way on to the BBC, there’s a good bet that something noxious is soon going to be coming across the airwaves. But, in its brazen and flagrant dishonesty, Monday’s contribution to BBC Radio London’s Breakfast Show by Michael White is something to behold.

In a discussion on security for political leaders pegging off the assault on Silvio Berlusconi the other day, White talked meanderingly about previous attacks on political leaders and, understandably for a British discussion show, brought in the case of Northern Ireland where Unionists and Nationalists in the main desisted from assassinating each others leaders. And then, like a flash of lightening out of a clear blue sky, this:

“In Israel they murder each other a great deal. The Israeli Defense Forces murder people because they don’t like their political style and what they’ve got to say and it only means that people more extreme come in and take their place.”

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Love of the Land: Guardian assistant editor says on BBC that Israel murders political dissidents whose “style” it doesn’t like

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