Thursday 10 December 2009

Love of the Land: EU foreign ministers airbrush terrorism out of lopsided resolution on Jerusalem, Gaza and peace

EU foreign ministers airbrush terrorism out of lopsided resolution on Jerusalem, Gaza and peace

Robin Shepherd
08 December 09

I suppose it is to be welcomed that EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels today passed what amounts to only a watered down version of the initial proposal being pressed for by Sweden, the country which holds the EU’s rotating presidency.

So given that the ministers rejected plans to offer recognition to a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood, we might perhaps be grateful for small mercies. Nonetheless, the resolution that was in fact passed still demonstrates an almost complete inability to understand Israel’s predicament in the Middle East while continuing to peddle distortions about what is really going on that can only serve as an obstacle to peace. The complete absence of any reference to terrorism or Hamas is simply extraordinary.

Here is the text of the resolution followed by my brief comments after each of the 12 articles of which it is constituted:

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Love of the Land: EU foreign ministers airbrush terrorism out of lopsided resolution on Jerusalem, Gaza and peace

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