Thursday 3 December 2009

Love of the Land: Egyptian Doctors' Projection About Organ Thefts

Egyptian Doctors' Projection About Organ Thefts

Tamar Sternthal
02 December 09

Aftonbladet reporter Donald Bostrom has reportedly "rethought" his unfounded accusations of Israeli thefts of Palestinian organs, but Egyptian doctors are now repeating the libel.

The Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Ayyam spoke with the head of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Dr. Hamdi Al-Sayed, who explained why Egypt temporarily barred two Israeli doctors from attending an international medical conference in Eygpt:

In response to the Israeli doctors' protest over Egyptian authorities not issuing them permits to enter Egypt for a medical conference, he said: 'We have no regard or respect for the Israeli doctors because the medical community has condemned them due to their participation in the torture of Palestinian prisoners.' He added: 'The Israeli Medical Association has acknowledged having participated in torture, noting that it had done so with the aim of protecting Israeli citizens.' He stated that the Israeli doctors are also guilty of stealing the organs of Palestinian prisoners, and that 'such people will not be permitted to take part in our medical activities." (Al-Ayyam, Nov. 27, 2009, translated by Palestinian Media Watch)

It appears that the Egyptian doctors are suffering from a psychological phenomenon known as projection. While accusations of Israeli transplant thefts have proven to be unfounded, the Kuwaiti Arab Times recently reported on Egyptian involvement in organ trafficking.

Love of the Land: Egyptian Doctors' Projection About Organ Thefts

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