Thursday 31 December 2009

Love of the Land: The double standard exposed: Iran v. Israel

The double standard exposed: Iran v. Israel

Meryl Yourish
30 December 09

Iranians are being murdered in the streets. The sister of Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel peace laureate who is not currently in Iran, was arrested and imprisoned apparently for the crime of being Shirin’s sister. The Iranians are beating protesters, hanging protesters, torturing protesters, and have been doing so since last year.

And the world’s outrage this month is focused on—Israel. At Human Rights Watch, the last comment on Iran was Dec. 10th, where there is an article titled “Iran: Stop harassing Shirin Ebadi.” There is nothing to date about the current wave of protests, beatings, and murders.

The UN website is concentrating on Gaza. And Gaza. And Gaza. And Gaza. Four news releases in the last week on Gaza. How many on Iran? You’re kidding, right? Because the last one was over a month ago, and it was about Iran’s nuclear violations.

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Love of the Land: The double standard exposed: Iran v. Israel

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