Monday 21 December 2009

Love of the Land: British judges being dangled like marionettes by Hamas: Group admits it was accomplice to UK court warrant against Tzipi Livni

British judges being dangled like marionettes by Hamas: Group admits it was accomplice to UK court warrant against Tzipi Livni

Robin Shepherd
Robin Shepherd Online
21 December 09

If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times on this website: there is a price to be paid for indulging anti-Zionist bigotry and it is a price which may be paid by some of the most treasured institutions of one’s own society.

British newspapers are reporting today that the anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying terror group Hamas (no they don’t describe Hamas that way on the BBC, but it happens to be accurate) played a key role in building the case which led to an arrest warrant being issued against former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni by a court in London 10 days ago.

The Times, in a report whose substance was repeated by the Daily Telegraph, quoted Hamas operative Diya al-Din Madhoun, who runs the terror group’s coordinating committee on such matters, as saying:

“We have provided a group of independent lawyers in Britain with documents, information and evidence concerning war crimes committed by Israeli political and military leaders, including Ms Livni.”

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Love of the Land: British judges being dangled like marionettes by Hamas: Group admits it was accomplice to UK court warrant against Tzipi Livni

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