Sunday 27 December 2009

Love of the Land: AP: Terrorists Who Murdered Father Of 7 Are "Activists"

AP: Terrorists Who Murdered Father Of 7 Are "Activists"

Mere Rhetoric
26 December 09

The full headline - describing the counterterrorism raid against the murderers of Meir Chai - is "3 Fatah activists killed in Israeli raid." It got picked up by Washington Post with exactly that wording and by FOX News as "Israeli Troops Kill 3 Palestinian Activists." FOX has since changed their headline - Google cache has the original - to highlight the three additional Palestinians killed trying to infiltrate from Gaza.

Original AP story:

Israeli soldiers on Saturday shot dead three Palestinians who the military says were involved in a roadside ambush that killed an Israeli settler earlier in the week. The operation in the West Bank city of Nablus targeted three activists of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement. Palestinian witnesses said troops, many of them masked, opened fire while storming the homes of the men.

"Many of them masked," of course, is exactly the kind of detail that experienced anti-Israel agitators like Mohammed Daraghmeh - 5 years and running - know to include. Mere anti-Israel hobbyists take note.

(Full post)

Love of the Land: AP: Terrorists Who Murdered Father Of 7 Are "Activists"

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