Tuesday 22 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Will China play along?

Will China play along?

The big question for the last several months has been whether Russia and China will go along with sanctioning Iran once the need to do so becomes obvious to the fools who have to make the decision.

In Paris on Monday, French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner said that he believes that the Russians are on board and that the Chinese will follow. But China is still resisting.

China signaled resistance to any U.S. and European push for tougher United Nations sanctions on Iran, saying talks aimed at preventing its development of nuclear weapons should be given a chance to succeed.

“We ask for more time to be given and efforts to be made to see if we can reach some sort of breakthrough,” La Yifan, China’s envoy for Security Council and political affairs at the UN, said in an interview yesterday. “The door to diplomatic efforts is not completely slammed yet. Efforts should focus on trying to find a solution to the current impasse.”

When will they stop trying to find a 'solution'? When Iran fires a nuclear weapon?

Israel Matzav: Will China play along?

1 comment:

  1. as i see this situation, china is very concerned about Iran nuclear programm. they perfectly realise that the prerogative to have nuclear weapon makes them one of very few the strongiest and powerfull country in the world and i am sure they are not happy to share this *honor* with such problematic and terroristic country as Iran. At the same time they are interested in middleeast conflict as they sell weapons to arabs.
