Friday 11 December 2009

Israel Matzav: When Israel had courageous leadership

When Israel had courageous leadership

Some 30,000 people gathered in Jerusalem's Paris Square last night to protest against the 'settlement freeze.' Among the speakers were two young (30'ish) Likud MK's: Danny Danon and Tzipi Hotovely. Hotovely told a great story about Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, that I had not heard before.

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) warned that the freeze compromised the status of Jerusalem.

In the past Israel had the kind of leaders who could stand up to the international community, she said.

On this date 60 years ago, David Ben-Gurion declared that Jerusalem was Israel's capital. He did this against the will of the United Nations, which sent him a message that Israel was the sole vote in the international arena in favor of that measure.

Ben-Gurion responded that "our voice was the only determining voice," said Hotovely.

Chaval al d'avdin v'lo mishtakchin (it is a pity for those who are lost and are not found). There's a lesson there for our current leadership.

Israel Matzav: When Israel had courageous leadership

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