Wednesday 16 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Targeting Sweden's ruling coalition

Targeting Sweden's ruling coalition

Writing at YNet, Michael Fenebock says that it's time to stop 'explaining' our positions to Europe and time to start fighting with our enemies there. Starting with the nefarious government of Sweden.

The Swedes hold a general election on September 19, 2010. All 349 seats in the Riksdag are up. [Prime Minister Fredrick] Reinfeldt’s tenuous coalition government is in deep political trouble. Recent polling has Reinfeldt’s government at 44% and the opposition at 50%. His party risks defeat in September.

Facing defeat and a loss of power and needing to neutralize threats from Sweden’s left wing, Reinfeldt and [Foreign Minister Carl] Bildt [pictured. CiJ] made a calculated political decision to use Sweden’s EU Chairmanship to improve their poll numbers, neutralize the Left, and buttress their political standing in Sweden.

Politics is a copycat business. If Reinfeldt’s “hammer the Jews” gambit succeeds every politician in Europe will copy the formula. If we do not fight back, if we do not cause Reinfeldt and Bildt to suffer political consequences in Sweden, it will have a bandwagon effect all across European politics.

All Europe is watching and learning. The stakes are nothing less than Jerusalem.

We can choose to fight. We can decide to push back. We have the means, the experience and skill to cause these guys political pain in Sweden. The question is do we have the will?

Do we have the guts to take them on, to make Reinfeldt, his political party and his pompous, anti-Israel Foreign Minister Carl Bildt pay a political price? That’s the question and the September 19 elections in Sweden are the test case.

Read the whole thing. I like this idea, although I'm a bit short on the specifics. If anyone (especially in Sweden) wants to get involved, I just happen to have Michael's (and his wife Daphne's) email addresses, and if you drop me a note, I will pass it on to them.

Clearly hasbara alone is not working.

Israel Matzav: Targeting Sweden's ruling coalition

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