Thursday 10 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Sweden carrying out a radical anti-Israel campaign

Sweden carrying out a radical anti-Israel campaign

Israel's former ambassador to Sweden Zvi Mazel says that Sweden has been exploiting its Presidency of the European Union to wage a radical campaign against Israel.

He said that Sweden as well as the entire EU has been funding left-wing groups to campaign against Israel, including funds for anarchists who travel to Israel to demonstrate on behalf of Arabs.

Despite Europe’s fear of the Muslim flooding of Europe, the EU countries prefer to stand by the side of Arabs, Mazel added. “Fifty-seven percent of Swiss citizens recently voted in a referendum to ban minarets from Muslim mosques, but when it comes to Israel, they continue to be anti-Semitic.

“Leftists are a dominating force and determine public opinion. If you look closely at the European protests against Israel, you won’t see PA flags. Instead, there are flags of leftists, and that also is the nature of the media. From the standpoint of Europeans, the United States and Israel are evil, but they have a hard time starting up with the Americans, so they pick on Israel.”

Mazel is best-known for destroying a Stockholm 'art' display in 2004 (pictured above) that celebrated an Israeli-Arab lawyer who blew herself up in a Haifa restaurant, murdering 19 patrons, many of whom were Arabs.

The Europeans seem to have a death wish, don't they?

Israel Matzav: Sweden carrying out a radical anti-Israel campaign

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