Thursday 17 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Surprise: Abu Bluff's term extended indefinitely

Surprise: Abu Bluff's term extended indefinitely

The PLO has decided to extend Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen's term as President of the 'Palestinian Authority' when it expires on January 25. The extension is until elections can be held indefinite.

The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) decided on Wednesday that Mahmoud Abbas will stay on as president after his term expires next month, a PLO official told Reuters.

Abbas's term expires on Jan. 25. The PLO Central Council, meeting in Ramallah, decided to extend his tenure until an election can be held, Wasel Abu Youssef, a member of the Central Council, said.

Just like Chavez and Mugabe. President for life. What could go wrong?


More here.

Israel Matzav: Surprise: Abu Bluff's term extended indefinitely

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