Tuesday 22 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Suicide bombing coming to Britain?

Suicide bombing coming to Britain?

I wonder how many more 'misguided Muslims' like this guy are wandering around London.

A 30-year-old Albanian Muslim who wanted to see Jews killed has been convicted of terror offences after Hizbollah instruction manuals on making missiles and suicide bomb belts were found in his home.

Krena Lusha, from Derby, was jailed for seven years on Tuesday at Preston Crown Court for five counts of possessing items connected with terrorism. These included petrol, Hizbollah military instruction manuals on how to make detonators, explosives, a missile and a suicide bomber belt, and a video entitled Mobile Detonators.

On Lusha’s computer were video clips of live beheadings of hostages or prisoners, exploded US military vehicles and ideological material from organisations promoting violent jihad. He told people on a chatline that he wanted to see Jews and Americans killed.

And if any of you in the US still oppose efforts to deal with illegal immigration, please consider this:

Lusha, who entered the UK in 2000 concealed in a lorry, was sentenced to five concurrent jail sentences of seven years each and will be returned to Albania thereafter.

But he's lived in Britain for nine years. What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Suicide bombing coming to Britain?

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