Wednesday 23 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Right wingers flood Peace Now 'fink line' with calls

Right wingers flood Peace Now 'fink line' with calls

Peace Now has set up a 'fink line' where people can report violations of the 'settlement freeze.' But it's been flooded with calls from Right wingers.

In a twist, right wing Israelis are turning the tables on far-left organization Peace Now. The group set up a hotline for Israelis to "fink" on residents of Judea and Samaria who build homes, in violation of the government's construction freeze. The group says on its website that the hotline will help enforce the freeze, "which is an Israeli interest."

But instead, many of the calls are from righwing Israelis – reporting on illegal Arab construction. The calls reporting the Arab violations – as well as "nonsense calls" - are taking up much of the tape on Peace Now's answering machines, leaving little room for the messages the hotline was intended for. Responding to the onslaught of "incorrect" messages, Peace Now Director Yariv Oppenheimer said that the varied responses, consisting of reports on Arabs, curses, and even jokes, were "entertaining."


Israel Matzav: Right wingers flood Peace Now 'fink line' with calls

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