Sunday 20 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Poll: Americans prefer that US hit Iran but would support Israel if it took the lead

Poll: Americans prefer that US hit Iran but would support Israel if it took the lead

A new poll commissioned by the Israel Project shows that Americans favor targeted military strikes against Iran by the United States and its allies (51-44%) but oppose Israel going it alone (42-49%).

Just over half of Americans support a military attack on Iran by the United States and its allies if Teheran doesn't halt its nuclear program, according to a new poll by The Israel Project.


However, should Israel go ahead and attack Iran anyway, and then came under retaliatory attack from Iran, a strong majority said the US should lend military defense. In that case 61% said the US should help Israel in that event (with 32% opposed). The number jumped to 68% (with 29% opposed) if Israel comes under attack from Iranian proxies Hizbullah and Hamas.

"That's a very big number at a time when America's involved in two wars that are fairly unpopular with the American people," said Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, referring to American backing for entering a potential conflict with Iran on behalf of Israel.

Those surveyed were skeptical that engagement and negotiations, or even multilateral sanctions, would halt Iran's nuclear program. Only 40% said there was some or even a good chance those would work, with 59% giving them little or no chance. The skepticism increased if the US alone imposed sanctions.

For now, most Americans want to try sanctions anyway. Unfortunately, their President and Secretary of State and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee don't even want to try.

78% of Americans believe that their elected officials should be focused on this issue.

Why isn't Obama getting the message?

Israel Matzav: Poll: Americans prefer that US hit Iran but would support Israel if it took the lead

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