Friday 11 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Pay attention: Iran is serious

Pay attention: Iran is serious

PJTV interviews Caroline Glick on Iran. It's worth watching the interview (it's about 11 minutes long and cannot be embedded, so click over). Caroline's sharp as always. Here are some highlights:

She criticizes the 'global warming' nuts for ignoring the Iranian nuclear threat.

Caroline slams the Obama administration for its ineffective policies on Iran.

She says that the sanctions being considered by the 'international community' will have 'absolutely no effect' on Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Caroline says that Obama doesn't understand the Turkish regime (more on Turkey later today).

Interviewer Bill Whittle assures us that if there is an Iranian nuclear bomb in Tel Aviv (God forbid), there will be a very strongly worded letter delivered to the United Nations the next morning.

Caroline discusses the Harvard simulation.

Caroline notes that Hezbullah controls the Lebanese foreign ministry. As reported earlier this week, Lebanon will join the UN Security Council for a two-year term starting January 1, so effectively Hezbullah will be sitting in the Security Council. That leaves little chance of sanctions against Iran.

This one is really worth watching.

Israel Matzav: Pay attention: Iran is serious

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