Sunday 6 December 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' continue to try

'Palestinians' continue to try

Yes, the 'Palestinians' continue to try... to commit terror attacks.

On Thursday, two attacks were foiled by troops near the West Bank settlement of Beit El.

Thursday's operations saw IDF forces locate and disarm two explosive devices near the settlement. A third device was found near Beit Omer, along with a set of IDF uniforms supposedly meant to be used as a disguise.

Soldiers patrolling neat Beit El located the two devices – one weighing 11lbs and the other at six – on a road marked for security forces' use only. Both devices were detonated by military sappers.

Earlier, a two-pound explosive device was found near Beit Omer, just south of Gush Etzion. It too was detonated by military sappers.

But the 'Palestinians' are ready to 'take control.' Just ask Keith Dayton.

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' continue to try

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