Sunday 27 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Plaintiffs in Belgium use Vlaams Belang lawyer

Oh my: Plaintiffs in Belgium use Vlaams Belang lawyer

Earlier this week, I reported that Hamas is being sued in Belgium by a European pro-Israel lobby. Commenter Marc G reports that unfortunately, the Plaintiffs have chosen a lawyer who is connected to Vlaams Belang.

It might be interesting to note that this has provoked quite a stir in Belgium. Anti-Zionists of course take the opportunity to pour their ignorant nonsense on the local media, but that is to be expected. There is however an additional twist to this story.

Coveliers, the lawyer that was picked by the plaintiffs, is close, if not part, of the "Vlaams Belang" party (extreme right). In itself, probably not the most judicious pick of course. But what's worse, a few Belgian (Zionist) organization complain (and I quote) that this claim and the choice of the lawyer could cause a public relation disaster for Israel.

Me thinks it's time that we kind of organize and coordinate this kind of initiatives, or we risk to cause more of those pr disasters.

No, it's not the most judicious pick.

I assume the Coveliers mentioned is Hugo Coveliers. But maybe the commenter will come back and correct me if I am wrong.

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Plaintiffs in Belgium use Vlaams Belang lawyer

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