Saturday 26 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Of course the Left blames Israel

Of course the Left blames Israel

I've run a number of posts over the last few days in which I pointed out the precarious situation of Christians in the Middle East. There are some people out there who actually think this is Israel's fault. Take, for example, Juan Cole (Hat Tip: Legal Insurrection). Cole posted this video from al-Jazeera.

Let's go to the videotape.

Israel is not stopping anyone from visiting Bethlehem. We are stopping terrorists from entering Israel from Bethlehem and other places across Judea and Samaria. What stops people from visiting Bethlehem is fear of Muslim terrorists.

As to the hotel stays, where would you rather stay? Hint: All the foreign correspondents who bash Israel live in Israel and not in the 'Palestinian' cities and towns.

But don't try to tell Cole that. In his uber-Leftist view, Israel can do no right and the 'Palestinians' can do no wrong.

Israel Matzav: Of course the Left blames Israel

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