Thursday 24 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama's top 10 foreign policy blunders

Obama's top 10 foreign policy blunders

In London's Daily Telegraph, Niles Gardner gives a list of President Obumbler's top 10 foreign policy blunders (Hat Tip: John Hinderaker).

1. Surrendering to Russia over missile defence.
2. Appeasing the mullahs of Iran.
3. Ending the war on terror.
4. Announcing a surge while declaring an exit.
5. Apologizing to France for America's "arrogance."
6. Giving DVDs to the British Prime Minister.
7. Siding with Marxists in Honduras.
8. Bowing to emperors and kings.
9. Embracing genocidal killers in Sudan.
10. Throwing Churchill out of the White House.

I can't believe pushing for a 'total settlement freeze' in Judea, Samaria and 'east' Jerusalem didn't even make the list.

Israel Matzav: Obama's top 10 foreign policy blunders

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