Monday 14 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama misses the point of Chanuka

Obama misses the point of Chanuka

President Obama's universalist Chanuka message shows how little he understands of what Chanuka means.

"The Hanukkah story of the Maccabees and the miracles they witnessed reminds us that faith and perseverance are powerful forces that can sustain us in difficult times and help us overcome even the greatest odds," he said, seeking to remind Jews that even thousands of years later there was strength to be drawn from their religious texts.

"Hanukkah is not only a time to celebrate the faith and customs of the Jewish people, but for people of all faiths to celebrate the common aspirations we share," he said.

"As families, friends and neighbors gather together to kindle the lights, may Hanukkah's lessons inspire us all to give thanks for the blessings we enjoy, to find light in times of darkness, and to work together for a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow," concluded the US president, just one day after receiving the Noble Prize for Peace in the Norwegian capital.

It's clear that someone forgot to tell Obama that the Maccabees fought a war, and that someone forgot to tell him that the lesson of Chanuka is not for "people of all faiths to celebrate the common aspirations we share," but for the Jewish people to remain strong in our faith and not to let it be influenced by others.

More here.

Israel Matzav: Obama misses the point of Chanuka

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