Wednesday 30 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Khameni planning to escape to Russia

Khameni planning to escape to Russia

Midwest Jim reports based on Iranian web sites that Iran's 'supreme leader,' Ayatollah Ali Khameni (pictured) is planning to escape to Russia from the anti-government rebels who are currently sweeping his country.

Today Planet Iran posted a letter written on the official Islamic Regime letterhead that discusses Khamenei’s possible to escape to Russia.

Iran Global website has exposed a document that discloses information on Khamenei and various authorities of the regime’s possible escape to Russia.

The document is on the National Security Agency of the Islamic regime’s letterhead addressed from the office of the High Assembly of the Islamic Republic’s National Security official [name is redacted] to an individual [name redacted] in the revolutionary guards. The letter is dated 6th of Dey (December 27th).

Jim goes on to report that there is a plane standing by to take Khameni out of the country.

Reports from Iran indicate that the Supreme National Security Council has ordered a complete check-up of the jet which is on standby to fly Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei and his family to Russia should the situation in Iran spiral out of control.

Panzramic reports that Khameni is now the one who matters, not Ahmadinejad (Hat Tip: Instapundit).

As I mentioned below, I've been communicating with a young woman in Tehran who is an active participant in the protests. L, as I will call her, messaged me this morning with this:

At 10:30 we were at Azadi Street (Freedom Street). The crowd was moving so slowly in little crowds. We were silent with a bit of fear. Near Enghelab Square, we joined with each other and made a huge crowd, and a huge crowd of people move toward us, and we join each other. After that, we started protesting by saying "Down with Khamenei!". I should say that Ahmadinejad isn't important anymore. The focus of the movement is on the leadership.

This is an interesting bit of information. This movement was started because of the rigged re-election of Ahmadinejad. It now has little to do with him, and it is focused on ousting the regime. I think they are going to do it.


Israel Matzav: Khameni planning to escape to Russia

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