Monday 21 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Israelis oppose foreign funding of Leftist NGO's

Israelis oppose foreign funding of Leftist NGO's

A poll has found that an overwhelming majority of Israelis opposes foreign funding of Leftist NGO's. Curiously, the poll comes from an institution that is generally identified with Israel's Left.

A new poll has found that a majority of Israelis oppose European government funding of non-governmental “human rights” organizations, such as the leftwing groups Peace Now and Betzelem, in order to increase domestic pressure on the Israeli government. The poll’s findings show that 59% oppose foreign contributions while only 28% support them. The rest did not know.

The poll was sponsored by the War and Peace Index of Tel Aviv University.

I would guess that the only other propositions on which you could get that strong an Israeli consensus are a united Jerusalem and secure borders. That's quite impressive.

Israel Matzav: Israelis oppose foreign funding of Leftist NGO's

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