Tuesday 1 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Israeli technology in the clouds

Israeli technology in the clouds

When it comes to technology, this country is on a hot streak. Any company that's not sold on "the Cloud" yet, will be when they hear this:

According to Eddie Resnick, CEO of Israeli start-up Clouds 'R Us, 85 percent of computing power in many companies goes unused: i.e., companies are buying seven times the average computing power they need, whether in processor speed, memory or other expensive hardware.

"It's because companies buy for peak needs," Resnick says. Although that peak may come just once every few weeks, he adds, organizations have, until very recently, had no choice but to be prepared.

Thanks to the Cloud, though, companies can now "outsource" their computer usage, using - and paying for - expanded capacity only when they need it.

"Now that the Cloud is technologically feasible, scalable infrastructure - the ability to take advantage of computing power when needed - is attracting many organizations," Resnick says.

With smaller - and even larger - businesses taking their computing work online, doing their computing on servers provided by a large IT infrastructure company, companies hope to save big on deployment, upgrade and security costs.

Eighty-five percent unused capacity? Well, I'm sold! But there's more. Resnick, who helps companies navigate the Cloud and get the services they need without hassles, believes the Cloud is the next big growth area for Israeli hi-tech.

Read the whole thing. And if you need a lawyer, send me an email.

/Mrs. Carl wants me to make money off this blog.

Israel Matzav: Israeli technology in the clouds

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