Wednesday 23 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Israeli i-phone app finds broken parking meters

Israeli i-phone app finds broken parking meters

Do you live or drive in New York City? If so, you'll really want to check out this i-phone application. It was developed in Israel and it finds broken parking meters.

Behind the application, called NYC Broken Meters, are Raviv Turner, a native Israeli and former officer in the Armored Corps who has been living in New York City for the past eight years, and his partner Ilya Levin.

"About a year-and-a-half ago, when the iPhone platform was opened to external developers, I started the company Guerillapps with Ilya that promotes application development for the iPhone," said Turner in an interview with Calcalist.

"The City of New York recently announced a competition for developing city applications called NYC BigApps. We signed up and started looking at databases the city put online for the competition when we came across a database that collects traffic inspectors' reports of broken meters. We live and work in New York and know how hard it is to find parking. This is how the idea for the application was born," explained Turner.

The application was launched last week and received quite a bit of media buzz within a short time: an article on page 3 of the popular newspaper The New York Post, an item in the news section of NBC's local news station, and endless mentions in blogs.

Now including this one. Read the whole thing.

Israel Matzav: Israeli i-phone app finds broken parking meters

1 comment:

  1. This i-phone look very nice and attractive I like this phone it is really a very nice phone.I am very interesting regarding this i-phone
