Tuesday 22 December 2009

Israel Matzav: The imaginary invitation to the imaginary ambassador to the imaginary country

The imaginary invitation to the imaginary ambassador to the imaginary country

Over the weekend, the Washington Post profiled Tareq and Michaele Salahi, the couple that crashed President Obama's first state dinner. The profile includes this little tidbit toward the end (Hat Tip: Shmuel Rosner):

The Salahis continued to live large. Gregory Wooddell drove for them in the run-up to this spring's polo cup, mostly driving Michaele; he says they still owe him for several weeks' work as well as out-of-pocket expenses. "She'd take me to lunch and Starbucks," he says, and tell him that Tareq worked for the government in an important job. "A few weeks later it was, 'He's going to be appointed ambassador -- he can choose what ambassadorship he wants, and he chose ambassador to Palestine.' " A spokesman for the U.S. State Department confirms that there is no ambassador to Palestine.

For those who take the time to read the entire profile, you will find that the Salahi's share something in common with the President: They're one great big fraud.

Israel Matzav: The imaginary invitation to the imaginary ambassador to the imaginary country

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