Wednesday 16 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Good luck with that!

Good luck with that!

On Monday, President Obama met at the White House with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman. Obama urged the Hezbullah-backed President to crack down on arms smuggling to Hezbullah.

United States President Barack Obama pressed Lebanon on Monday to crack down on arms smuggling into the country, saying the weapons posed a potential threat to Israel.

Obama said after a meeting with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman at the White House that there had been some progress in enforcing a United Nations Security Council resolution banning such shipments, but more needed to be done.

"President Suleiman emphasized his concerns with respect to Israel. I emphasized our concerns about the extensive arms that are smuggled into Lebanon that potentially serve as a threat to Israel," Obama told reporters. "It is in the interest of all parties concerned that enforcement is exerted with respect to such smuggling."

This guy is President of the United States and he just doesn't get it. Suleiman is not going to do anything that offends Hezbullah. Good luck with that!

Israel Matzav: Good luck with that!

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