Wednesday 9 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Goldstone shuts his mouth

Goldstone shuts his mouth

When the going gets tough, Richard Richard Goldstone refuses to respond.

On November 17, CAMERA's Ricki Hollander sent a very detailed and critical letter to Justice Goldstone, which asked specific questions about incidents cited in the Goldstone Report.

If you thought that Goldstone, who keeps claiming that no one has provided specific criticism of his report, would relish the opportunity to respond, you are wrong. Here's the letter Ricki got back after CAMERA contacted Goldstone to ask why he had not responded.

Dear Ms. Hollander,
I confirm receipt of your letter. I have no intention of responding to your open letter.
Richard Goldstone

Game, set and match.

But it's okay. They'll make him Secretary General anyway.

Israel Matzav: Goldstone shuts his mouth

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