Tuesday 1 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Civil war?

Civil war?

It's been a busy day in Judea and Samaria.

Building inspectors have been barred by protesting residents from entering Kiryat Arba, Karnei Shomron, Revava, Talmonim and Har Gilo to enforce the 'settlement freeze.'

The inspectors were more successful on Monday, when they managed to issue 50 stop-work orders at sites where they felt the foundations were not yet properly set. Four bulldozers and tractors, as well as building material, were also confiscated.

Also Tuesday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stressed that the security cabinet's decision on a ten-month moratorium on new construction in Judea and Samaria will be fully implemented.

"Government decisions must be obeyed and will be fully implemented, in a way that will ensure as much dialogue with the settlers as possible," a conciliatory Barak said after meeting with reserve soldiers at the Judea and Samaria Division headquarters, ahead of a session with the IDF commanders charged with reinforcing the edict.

"The Judea and Samaria leadership is responsible, patriotic and Zionist, and withstood many ordeals. I believe and hope we shall overcome this ordeal, while executing the government's decisions," he said.

Good luck with that. Anyone else have the impression that the government didn't expect this kind of opposition? Maybe Obama can send the Marines. This is probably the one place in the world that he's willing to commit troops.


Israel Matzav: Civil war?

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