Sunday 6 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Berman's Iran sanctions resolution on front burner

Berman's Iran sanctions resolution on front burner

Representative Howard Berman (D-Cal) plans to bring his bill imposing extensive new sanctions against Iran to a vote before the end of the year. Berman's bill has been on hold since May to give the Obama administration's attempt to 'engage' Iran time to work. The bill has 339 co-sponsors.

The legislation seeks to cut supplies of refined petroleum products, especially gasoline, into Iran as a means of convincing that regime to end its nuclear weapons programs. Additional sanctions would be imposed on foreign exchange, banking and property transactions, including any organization that does business with the Central Bank of Iran.

“I intend to pass the bill by the end of this year,” Berman, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told POLITICO. His bill has 339 co-sponsors in the House, and it might be taken up under a parliamentary process that allows quick approval of widely supported legislation.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Md.) told fellow Democrats on Thursday morning that the bill would be brought to the floor within two weeks, according to Democratic aides. The Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee passed similar legislation at the end of October, although it is unclear if and when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to bring that bill up for a vote.

Let's hope that this is just the start of greater Congressional involvement in American foreign policy. The White House has made a total mess of foreign policy from Day One of this administration.

Israel Matzav: Berman's Iran sanctions resolution on front burner

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