Thursday 3 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Argentinean prosecutor warns of growing terror network in Latin America

Argentinean prosecutor warns of growing terror network in Latin America

Argentinean prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who prosecuted the bombing of the 1994 suicide bombing of the Jewish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, warns that Iran is rapidly setting up shop all over South America.

He said that Iran, particularly through Lebanese proxy Hizbullah, has a growing presence in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua, using techniques it honed in Argentina before the country took measures to counter Teheran following the AMIA bombing.

He described sham operations involving taxi drivers, who conducted surveillance without arousing suspicion; fake medical school students, who could stay in the country for many years without raising eyebrows; and business fronts that helped funnel cash to operatives.

Meanwhile, the Iranians cultivated ties at the local mosques to search for people who could be radicalized.

Now, he said, Argentina is considered a "hostile environment" for Iran, but the Iranian terrorist groups are finding fertile ground in other countries.

"The stronger element that happens today is the complicity of the government," said Nisman, pointing to the networks Iran develops through its embassies. "We know that Chavez allows Hizbullah to come in."

But the Obama administration continues to coddle the likes of Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega and Manuel Zelaya (who is apparently now finally out of the way). What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Argentinean prosecutor warns of growing terror network in Latin America

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