Thursday 17 December 2009

Israel Matzav: Albanian opposition newspaper discovers Ukraine - Hezbullah arms deal

Albanian opposition newspaper discovers Ukraine - Hezbullah arms deal

Lebanon's Naharnet is reporting that an Albanian opposition newspaper has disclosed that Albania has been facilitating the transfer of Ukrainian arms to Hezbullah in Lebanon.

An Albanian opposition daily revealed in an article published Dec. 2 the involvement of the Albanian government in facilitating the passage of Ukrainian arms to Hizbullah. It said Albania bought the missiles -- type "C 18" and "C 16" – using money from Iran in favor of Hizbullah and the Islamic Jihad.

The shipment, according to the paper, was then transferred via Off Shore Company to Beirut.

Pan-Arab Asharq al-Awsat daily on Tuesday quoted Albanian and Balkan sources as denying knowledge of an arms shipment from Ukraine to Hizbullah via Albania.

Given Ukraine's past history of anti-Semitism and its joining the organ theft blood libel two weeks ago, should we really be surprised?

Or maybe Hezbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah just has a crush on Ukrainian President Yulia Tymoshenko, and the Albanian opposition blew it out of proportion.


Israel Matzav: Albanian opposition newspaper discovers Ukraine - Hezbullah arms deal

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