Sunday 1 November 2009

Rabbi Meir Memorial Event in Toronto, Canada

Rabbi Meir Memorial Event in Toronto, Canada

Rabbi Meir KahaneZ”L

19th Yahrzeit Memorial

“Kahane Was Right, Israel Must Be A Jewish State!”

Thursday, Nov 5th 2009

Zionist Centre - 788 Marlee Ave - Lawrence & Allen

8:00 pm - 10:30 pm

A video of Rabbi Meir Kahane will be shown.

Meir Weinstein, National Director of JDL Canada, will speak on currents threats and will outline an action plan against Canadian Imams whose weekly supremist sermons of hate end in an Arabic saying “"Oh Allah, give victory to Muslims and Islam...Oh Allah, give defeat to the Kufaar and Mushriqeen,"

There will be other speakers - Live Satellite feed with Israel, conversation with Shmuel Sackett, assistant to Moshe Feiglin

Refreshments, Sushi and Snacks will be available

Originally posted by B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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