Sunday 1 November 2009

Love of the Land: If Hillary's Happy, I'm Not

If Hillary's Happy, I'm Not

Batya Medad
Shilo Musings
1 November 09

It's a very simple equation, Arithmetic, not Mathematics. United States policy is bad news for Israel, so if Secretary for State Hillary Clinton is pleased with something ourPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has to say, I automatically consider it a danger to our security and existence. Very simple.

The Obama-Clinton Administration is demanding a very racist, one-sided halt in Jewish growth and building in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, including parts of Jerusalem. And again, like uncountable times in the past, it's the Arab intransigence which has saved us. They're betting that our Israeli Government will be so desperate to please the Americans and make a deal that we'll give up even more.

I hope and pray that our government will quickly realize that all of these concessions only weaken and endanger us. We have to send all the busybodies packing and do what's best for the security, development and continued existence of the State of Israel. No foreign promises will protect us.

Love of the Land: If Hillary's Happy, I'm Not

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