Thursday 12 November 2009

Love of the Land: Goldstone’s doubly revealing nightmare from which we have not awoken

Goldstone’s doubly revealing nightmare from which we have not awoken

Richard Landes
Augean Stables
10 November 09

In his “debate” on Thursday November 5, at Brandeis, during question and answer, Goldstone got chummy with the audience and told them an anecdote about how he felt going into Gaza:

As far as conditions in Gaza are concerned, I must say that my visit to Gaza turned out very differently from what I had anticipated. Frankly, and I make no, no, no, and I’m not ashamed to say it, I was very nervous about being a Jew going into Gaza on probe by Hamas, especially when the first reaction to my appointment by Hamas was to reject a meeting with me because I was Jew.

And my wife sitting here will remember that three nights before I went, I woke up in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare, with sweat on my brow, because I had a vivid dream that I’d been kidnapped by, by Hamas, and people in Israel were rejoicing. [laughter] That was the nightmare, based on real fears.

Now Goldstone clearly didn’t tell this anecdote in order to reveal the utter intellectual bankruptcy of both his Report’s methods and and conclusions. But that’s what he did.

I’ve written many times about intimidation and its impact on the MSNM. And at Understanding the Goldstone Report, we’ve addressed the issue of intimidation of witnesses before the Goldstone Mission and Goldstone’s denial. Let’s start with some evidence of Goldstone’s formal state of denial on the subject: (HT Elder of Ziyon)

Already, back in June of 2009, when Goldstone was in Gaza, questions arose about the presence of Hamas in the Mission’s work. On June 9, the Palestinian Ma’an news agency, citing an AP article, mentions the problem:

(Read Full Article)

Love of the Land: Goldstone’s doubly revealing nightmare from which we have not awoken

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