Wednesday 4 November 2009

Love of the Land: Britain and France continue dance of deception as Goldstone Report goes to UN General Assembly

Britain and France continue dance of deception as Goldstone Report goes to UN General Assembly

Robin Shepherd
Robin Shepherd Online
04 November 09

If you want a comparison that illustrates the difference between the United States and Europe on attitudes to Israel in particular and basic standards of moral clarity in general, consider the following. Yesterday, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution deriding the Goldstone Report on Gaza as “biased and unworthy of further consideration” by 344 to 36, not much short of a 10-1 margin. That’s moral clarity.

Representing the European Union, Britain and France by contrast will be dancing through hoops at the United Nations General Assembly today with assorted dictatorships and tyrannies in a desperate attempt to massage and amend a motion based on the odious UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) October 16 resolution endorsing the Goldstone Report and effectively throwing Israel’s right to self-defence out of the window. The French and the Brits could not even be bothered to turn up to vote at the HRC session in October, but under pressure from Israel and the United States now say they might possibly vote against the resolution in the General Assembly. Then again, they might vote in favour if they can get a couple of changes to the text. And then again (again) they might just abstain if they can’t make up their minds. That’s not moral clarity. It’s a moral dunghill.

But how quaint can I get? Moral clarity, Europe, and Israel all in the same sentence?

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Love of the Land: Britain and France continue dance of deception as Goldstone Report goes to UN General Assembly

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