Thursday 5 November 2009

Love of the Land: Between Conscientious Objection and Anarchy

Between Conscientious Objection and Anarchy

Moshe Feiglin
Manhigut Yehudit
14 Cheshvan, 5770

Translated from the Hebrew article on the NRG website

When the recent conscientious objection letter of high school students was publicized, I wrote a press release in support of their right to refuse – even though the conscientious objectors were from the left side of the political spectrum. When the Shimshon soldiers from the right side of the political spectrum announced that they would not carry out orders to expel Jews from their homes, I once again wrote a press release in their support. Obviously, my heart is with the Shimshon soldiers and not with the conscientious objectors of the left. But in principle, I support every act of conscientious objection.

The only problem is that the Shimshon soldiers - who, in my opinion, performed an indispensable service for the IDF and the State of Israel – did not receive serious punishment. Twenty days in prison is not intimidating. They should have received at least 200 days.

Confused? Let's make some order of this issue.

The main claim against the conscientious objectors is that their refusal will lead to anarchy, threatening the very foundations of the State. Today I refuse to obey my orders, tomorrow you refuse to obey your orders and chaos ensues.
(Read in full)

Love of the Land: Between Conscientious Objection and Anarchy

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