Sunday 29 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Should Israel release 1,000 terrorists for Gilad Shalit

Should Israel release 1,000 terrorists for Gilad Shalit

If anyone still believes that Israel should release 1,000 terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit, maybe this video about the potential consequences will change your mind. As Amos Harel writes in Haaretz,

despite everything, a deal now appears to be closer than ever. On the Israeli side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to end the problem once and for all; on the Palestinian side, 11 months after the drubbing it took in Operation Cast Lead, Hamas in Gaza needs a success that will go some way toward offsetting its failure then. If Netanyahu goes for the deal - which the Palestinians must approve - he will have the support of Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi is playing up his commitment to bringing home Shalit, a combat soldier. In conversations with soldiers and officers in field units, they express support for a deal. But senior officers do not all agree: Two officers, from two different units, expressed anger regarding what they see as Israeli society's obsession with Shalit and concerned that the exchange will be a shot in the arm to the terror organizations.

A few days ago a simple but effective clip objecting to the proposed deal began making the rounds on the Internet. It cuts between the recent video of Shalit issued by his captors with images of sites of terror attacks, and ends with smiling photos of their victims, many of them young. The photos are a painful reminder, not least because the Shin Bet security service is known to impute the murder of dozens of Israelis to terrorists who were released in the Tennenbaum deal.

You're about to see that video. Unfortunately, it's only in Hebrew. If anyone has it in English, please send me the URL or embed code and I will replace the Hebrew with an English subtitled version (this is the only video the person with the YouTube account has ever posted). But even if you don't understand Hebrew, it's quite powerful.

Let's go to the videotape.

Israel Matzav: Should Israel release 1,000 terrorists for Gilad Shalit

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